B-Trees in C++
The root has at least one key
Non-root nodes have at least m/2 subtrees (i.e., at least (m - 1)/2 keys)
All the empty subtrees (i.e., external nodes) are at the same level

B-trees are especially useful for trees stored on disks, since their height, and hence also the number of disk accesses, can be kept small.
The growth and contraction of m-way search trees occur at the leaves. On the other hand, B-trees grow and contract at the root.
-Insert the key to a leaf
-Overfilled nodes should send the middle key to their parent, and split into two at the location of the submitted key.

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Final tree

Key that is to be removed from a node with non-empty subtrees is being replaced with the largest key of the left subtree or the smallest key in the right subtree. (The replacement is guaranteed to come from a leaf.)

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If a node becomes under staffed, it looks for a sibling with an extra key. If such a sibling exist, the node takes a key from the parent, and the parent gets the extra key from the sibling. 
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If a node becomes under staffed, and it can’t receive a key from a sibling, the node is merged with a sibling and a key from the parent is moved down to the node. 
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AVL Trees
An AVL tree (also called an "admissible tree") is a tree in which the height of the left and right subtrees of every node differ by at most one - referred to as "height-balanced".
Example AVL trees:
Example non-AVL trees:
In order to indicate the differences between the heights of the right and left subtrees of a given (root) node, a balance factor is defined for that node of the subtree.
We define the balance factor, BF:
BF = (height of right subtree - height of left subtree)
So, BF = -1, 0 or +1 for an AVL tree.
Balance factors for example AVL
trees (node key values not shown):

When the AVL property is lost we can rebalance the tree via one of four rotations:
1)Single Right Rotation (SRR)
2)Single Left Rotation (SLR)
3)Double Left Rotation (DLR)
4)Double Right Rotation (DRR)
Single Right Rotation (SRR):
A is the node that the rotation is performed on. This rotation is performed when A is unbalanced to the left (the left subtree is 2 higher than the right subtree) and B is left-heavy (the left subtree of B is 1 higher than the right subtree of B). T1, T2 and T3 represent subtrees (a node was added to T1 which made B leftheavy and unbalanced A).
Single Left Rotation (SLR):
A is the node that the rotation is performed on. This rotation is performed when A is unbalanced to the right (the right subtree is 2 higher than the left subtree) and B is right-heavy (the right subtree of B is 1 higher than the left subtree of B). T1, T2 and T3 represent subtrees (a node was added to T3 which made B right-heavy and unbalanced A).
Double Left Rotation (DLR):
C is the node that the rotation is performed on. This rotation is performed when C is unbalanced to the left (the left subtree is 2 higher than the right subtree), A is right-heavy (the right subtree of A is 1 higher than the left subtree of A) and B is left-heavy. T1, T2, T3, and T4 represent subtrees (a node was added to T2 which made B left-heavy, made A right-heavy and unbalanced C). This consists of a single left rotation at node A, followed by a single right at node C.
Double Right Rotation (DRR):
A is the node that the rotation is performed on. This rotation is performed when A is unbalanced to the right (the right subtree is 2 higher than the left subtree), C is leftheavy (the left subtree of C is 1 higher than the right subtree of C) and B is right-heavy. T1, T2, T3, and T4 represent subtrees (a node was added to T3 which made B right-heavy, made C left-heavy and unbalanced A). This consists of a single right at node C, followed by a single left at node A.
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