.NET Interview questions from MNC's interviews

1)  What is difference between Var type and Object type
19)Why we use Dollar Symbol in Jquery .. Is it possible to replace the Dollar symbol?
 var mysymbol= jquery.noConflict();
20)How Can We provide operation overloading in wcf?
WSDL document does not support operator overloading by default...
1)What is composite key If Primary Key is not there in table?
1) What is difference between Interface And Abstract class?
10)  What is o/p after build an application
1) i have master page as well as child page when ever we request a child page which page event fired first..
2)  What is Lamda Expression? is it possible to compare two dates using Lambda expressions?
3) What is difference between Abstract Class And Interface?
4) Why Abstract class is Partially Unimplemented ?
5) How to implement multiple inheritance in C#?
6)Difference between String And StringBuilder ?
7)Difference between  Document.Ready() and Document.Window() ?
8) What is page error handling?
9)What is selectors?
10)What is Instance Context Modes?
11)How to Provide Security to Authorized Users?
12)In service hosting in IIS , How to test the service in Client System?
13)How handle Exceptions in Server?
14)How to test Wcf Service ? How to Pass the Object?
15)Where you implement the security for services in our application?
16)How to handle exception in current  User Name, Password?
17)what is WCFService and WebService?
18)What is Transport level & Message Level Security?

This is because jQuery.noConflict() "frees" the "$" from being associated with jQuery. Normally in your code you can use $ as a replacement for "jQuery". If you use noConflict() you can't do that anymore and so you have to replace each "$" with "jQuery"; .
Many JavaScript libraries use $ as a function or variable name, just as jQuery does. In jQuery's case, $ is just an alias for jQuery, so all functionality is available without using $. If we need to use another JavaScript library alongside jQuery, we can return control of $ back to the other library with a call to $.noConflict():


if we want provide use NAME attribute in OperationContract...

interface Icaculator
[OperationContract (Name= "SumInt")]
int Sum(int arg1,int arg2);
[OperationContract (Name= "SumDouble")]
int Sum(Double arg1,Double arg2);
now proxy treat this as two different methods

1)Explian Error Functions In SqlServer?

    • ERROR_LINE() returns the line number at which the error occurred.

    • ERROR_MESSAGE() returns the text of the message that would be returned to the application. The text includes the values supplied for any substitutable parameters, such as lengths, object names, or times.

    • ERROR_NUMBER() returns the error number.

    • ERROR_PROCEDURE() returns the name of the stored procedure or trigger in which the error occurred. This function returns NULL if the error did not occur inside a stored procedure or trigger.

    • ERROR_SEVERITY() returns the severity.

    • ERROR_STATE() returns the state.

  • Immediately after executing any Transact-SQL statement, you can test for an error and retrieve the error number using the @@ERROR function.
2)Explain About Filters?
3)How can i call Parametric constructor with out calling Default Constructor?
4)How can we Scheduling the Messages, how can i identify weather how many messages sent successfully and unsuccessfully......
5)if i put break point is it executed or not?
6)how many return types are there for Action Method?
7)Explian about SMTPCLIENT class?
8)Write syntax for Binding Employee Values DropDownList...
9)What is Marshaling and UnMarshaling  ?

2)What is Difference between Implicit and Explicit implementation of interface ?
3)What is Dis Advantages of Clustered Index?
4)What is State Management?
5)Why we use ActionResult instead ViewResult for an ActionMethod in MVC ?
6)What is temp tables in SqlServer?

1){controller-name}{action-method}/{id} is it correct ?.....
2)What is property we use for retrieving key value from TempData?
3)Difference between ViewData And ViewBag?
4)Difference between AuthConfig And BundleConfig?
5)Syntax for method overloading and overriding with syntax?
6)What is Razor Syntax..Exmple?
7)Types Of ActionResults Write Syntax for Each one?
8)Programs Reverse of Number And Number is Palindrome Or Not?
9)what is shadowing write code for it?
10)What is Hotspot?
11)What is Statemanagement in Asp.Net?
12)What is sessions in MVC?
13)MVC Page life cycle?
14)What is Routing In MVC?
15)Find duplicate Characters in given Array?
16)Find index of particular Character in Given Array?
17)What is XML and XPath?
18)Explain About Agile Methodology ?
19)Explain about String & StringBuilder class ?
20)  Whay is new Features in 4.0 ?
21)What is space And Time complexities of QuickSort and MergeSort and BubbleSort?
22)What is Default method we called in controller?
23)What is the difference between Debug and Trace?

2)What is partial views?
3)How can we give Id ti @html.ActionLink() method?
4)Without passing any parameters if we ckick on Actionlink what happend ?
5)How to pass Employee Number using ActionLink?
6)What is private constructor if we use that one in our programming what happend?
7)What is routing in Asp.Net MVC?
8) What are the methods available in Global.asax file?
9)What are the events available in Global.asax?
10)What is the use of Global.asax file?
11)How can i display a image when ever i open website?
12)what is difference between 'where' clause and 'having' clause?
13)What is temp tables?what is the use of it?
14) What is difference between StoredProcedure and Function?
15)What is SqlInjection Attacks ? Write piece code for it?
16)How can i Resolve SqlInjection Attacks?
17)Can we observe security issues at the time of debugging?
18)How can we provide authorization? How can i give roles For Each Page?
19)What are the Ajax events available?
20)what is $.ajax function, What type of data we passed to this function?
21)What is The difference b/w client side and server side validations?
22)What is the drawbacks of client side validations?and server side validations?
23)When ever we click a button server validations will be performed on server side ? why its happen before click event will be fired?
24)Explain about finally block in exception handling?
25)Is MVC validations are client side validations are server side validation?
26)is it possible to write click event for button in MVC? then How?
27) Explain About JqueryUi Tab Control?
28) What is difference between Session Object And Application object?
29)How can track number users visit my website in a day?
30)Explain about Technical and performance documents you are using in your programs?
31)How work will be done in your company?
32)What is Normalization and DeNormalization?
33)Explain about JqueriUi Tab control?

1)What is Difference bet Interface and Abstrct Class? Where did u use this one?
2)What is The advantage of MethodOverriding ?
3)What is generics?
public static Class Factory
Public static CreateObject<T>()
Employee emp=Factory.CreateObject<Employee>();
Student emp=Factory.CreateObject<Student>();
How can you read different Types of data using CreateObject() generic Method?
4) My Database Columns Are Like This
Ename(Varchar(50) notnull),
Define class for above database Schema?
string str="shiva";
public void print(string str)
What is The Output of Above Program?
6)What is difference between WsHttpBinding and netTcpBinding?
7)Can we consume services which are using netTcpbinding?
8) What is Transaction Isolation level?
9) What is stored procedure ? How can we handle exceptions in stored procedures?
10)How can we handle Exceptions even we use try-catch blocks?
11) What is CLR and CLS ?
12)What is CallBack Contract in WCF?

1)      What session default time?
2)      Can we extend the session time?
3)      Can we clear the specific session?
4)      Explain about generics?
5)      What is boxing and unboxing?
6)      If you have a <div>in css how we can you send that div to that browser?
7)      What are the ActionResults return types in MVC?
8)      How can you navigate from one page to another page in MVC?
9)      Can we overload the constructor?
10)  Have you implemented method overloading in you project?
11)  Explain about method overload and implementation?
12)  What is the partial class explain it?
13)  Can we use virtual key board in derived class?
14)  Can you convert object into Jquery form?
15)  What are the difference between .NetFramework 4.0 and 3.5?
16)  How can we provide the authentication and authorization in MVC to user?
17)  What are difference between WCF service  and REST service?
18)  How can we provide the security to the REST service?
19)  Why would you implemented the interface in MVC service?
20)  Have you implemented polymorphism in your project?
21)  Explain about VIEWS where do you implemented in SQL server?
22)  What is sprint?
23)  What is composite KEY?

1)      How can we create multiple div using for loops how you values each div?
2)      Write good program for swapping two numbers?
3)      Find avg of no`s in given array?
4)      How can we hide all ancher tags in my HTML page using JQUERY?
5)      What is "#" symbol in JQUERY ?
6)      Array = {23,11,1,12,42,41} find prime numbers in given array?
7)      Explain about CSS?
8)      What is INDEXING and use of it?
9)      What is function  and categories of it?
10)  Write the syntax for GETJSON ,AJAX function? 
11)  What is fiddler tool ?how can we are  checking HTTPS services & traffic?
12)  Waiting image load effect code?
13)  Write sample code for creating REST services?

1)      What is difference between the primary key and unique key
2)      Is it possible to get deleted database in SQL server
3)      What is temp table
4)      What is clusteredindex and nonclusteredindex and how can we differentiate between them
5)      What is function and procedure and trigger & types of function
6)      How can we handle exceptions in stored procedure
7)      What is JavaScript , how can we execute JavaScript first
8)      Explain about AJAX control tool kit and its controls
9)      What is difference between DROP and DELETE and TRUNCATE

11)  How can we provide permissions is SQL SERVER
12)  Select C1,C2,C3 from employee group by C3(what is o/p of the statement)
13)  How can we store connection in encrypted format in webconfig
14)  What is data contract in WCF
15)  How can we hide sum of the operationcontracts from clients in wcf?
16)  What is differens b/w view state and session state
18)  56.what are the joints in SQL SEVER explain about self join?
19)  What is difference b/w DataSet and DataReader?
20)  Difference between DataSet and DataAdapter?
21)  Explain about yourself?
22)  How can you implement authentication and authorization in your application?
23)  How can we store passwords in encrypted format in database?
24)  How can we call non static methods from static method?
25)  What is view is it possible to update a table from view?
26)What is Shadowing? What is the use of it?
Entity company.......................................................................7/3/2014

child or master..
compare two version numbers how?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Version
    class Program
        public static bool GetLatest(string newVersion, string oldVersion)
            string[] s=newVersion.Split('.');
            string[] k = oldVersion.Split('.');
            if (Convert.ToInt32(s[0])> Convert.ToInt32(k[0]))
                return true;
            else if ((Convert.ToInt32(s[0])== Convert.ToInt32(k[0]))&& (Convert.ToInt32(s[1]) == Convert.ToInt32(k[1])))
                return true;
            else if ((Convert.ToInt32(s[1]) == Convert.ToInt32(k[1]))&& (Convert.ToInt32(s[2]) == Convert.ToInt32(k[2])))
                return true;
            else { return false; }
        static void Main(string[] args)
           bool Result = GetLatest("","");
           if (Result == true)
               Console.WriteLine("new Version is there");
               Console.WriteLine("olderversion only");

  Expect More Questions And Answers Soon....... ThankYou

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