1)What is the difference between
Object based programming and Object oriented programming?
-if a language supports only encapsulation
then it is called as object based programming
-if a language supports encapsulation,inheritance and polymorphism then it is called as
object oriented programming language.
2)What are the main concepts of oops?
There are four main concepts in oops
3)What is encapsulation and its advantage?
-Grouping of related things together is
called as encapsulation.
-due encapsulation we can achieve
4)What is Data hiding?
-Hiding unnecessary information from user
is called as datahiding.
-due to data hiding we can protect
behaviour of component.
-data hideing can be implemented by using
access modifiers.
5)What is abstraction?
-Hiding complete implementation details from
user is called as abstraction.
-Due to abstraction we can make user to feel
easy and confortable while using component.
6)What is the difference between data hiding and abstraction?
-DataHiding is hiding unnecessary
information from user,so that we can protect behaviour
of component.
-Abstraction is hiding of complete
implementation details,so that component usage becomes
7)What is the difference between
encapsulation and class?
-Encapsulation is oops concept but class is
feature of language by which we can implement
8)How to implement encapsulation in C#?
-By using class,struct,interface,enum.
9)What are the access specifiers ? (or) What are the access modifiers?
There are six access modifiers
e)protected internal
d)private protected.
10)What is the behavior of protected internal?
-protected internal is combination of two
access modifiers.
-with in same assembly it will be like a
internal,outside assembly it will be like a
protected.so that we can make us of it in
any class of same assembly and only derived
classes outside assembly.
10)What is the behavior of private protected ?
- it is available from C#7.2
-protected internal is combination of two access modifiers.
-within in same assembly by the code in same class and can access it from its derived class
11)What is object?
-it is instance of class.
12)What is min size of object if there is no member in class?
13)What is default access modifier
for class?
14)What is default access modifier
for members in class?
15)What is the base class for all classes in .net?
15)What is the difference between value types and reference types?
Value type store the values in stack.
Value type directly stored the values rater than address.
ex: int y =100;
Reference type store the values in heap.
Reference type store the address of the value ,actually value stored in other location.
ex: string name="Shiva";
16)What is the difference between
class and structure?
Class struct
-it is reference type -it is value type
-all access modifiers allowed -protected not allowed.
-all types
of methods allowed -Virtual
and abstract methods not allowed.
is allowed
-destructor not allowed.
-all types
of constructors allowed -default
constructor not allowed.
-inheritance not posssible
-it can
implement interface -it
also can implement interface.
17)Is it possible to define method in enum type?
18)How to initialize object?
-in two ways we can initialize object.
a)by using object initializer.
b)By using Constructor.
19)What are accessor and mutator
-a method which is designed to get value
from variables of class is called as accessor method.
-a method which is designed to modify
values of variables of class is called as mutator method.
20)What is the difference between property and indexer?
-property is member of class or struct
which provides flexible mechanism to read and write from and to the variable of
class or struct.
-it can be static.
-it can not be overloaded.
-Indexer is also member of class or struct
which is also providing flexible mechanism to read and write from and to the
variable of class or struct by using subscript and index.
-indexer can not be static.
-always name of indexer must be this,and it
can be overloaded
21)Is it possible to define property as static?
22)Is it possible to define indexer as static?
23)What is the use of base keyword?
-with the help of base keyword we can access
base class members from derived class.
-allways base keyword will refer to immediate base class members.
-we can call base class constructor from
derived class constructor.
24)What is Constructor?
-it is special method in the class which
is invoked automatically when the class has been instantiated.
-it can be used to initialize instance
variables of class to some meaningfull initial values
once object has been created.
25)Why name of constructor and class name must be same?
-to make the compiler to identify it
26)Why return type is not allowed for constructor at programmer level?
-constructor should not be used for any
other purpose,it must be used for only initialization.
27)What are different types of constuctors available?
-static constructor
-non static constructor
a)default constructor
b)parametric constructor.
28)Explain static constructor?
-A constructor can be defined as static
-static constructor should not have access
-it must be parameter less.
-it can not be overloaded.
-it can be used to initialize static
variables of class but not non static variables.
-it is invoked one and only once when the
class has been loaded into appDomain by class loader.
29)When the static constructor is invoked?
is invoked one and only once when the class has been loaded into appDomain by
class loader.
30)Is it possible to overload static constructor?
For Part-2 click here
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