Python programming - part2


-Tuple datatype used to store multiple types of data into one variable.

-Tuple allowing duplicates.

-Tuples unchangeable  means immutable you can add , delete an elements from tuple

-Tuples are indexed, you can access the elements based on the index

-Tuples are written with function braces

mytuple = ("C", "CPP", "Python" ,"Java","Microsoft.NET","Java")


('C', 'CPP', 'Python', 'Java', 'Microsoft.NET', 'Java')

Functions with Tuple:

len( )  return the length of the list function that is number of elements in a list

mytuple = ("C","CPP", "Python" ,"Java","Microsoft.NET","Java")

len(mytuple)  result is 6

print(mytuple[0]) returns C

print(mytuple[-1]) returns Java

print(mytuple[0:3]) returns ('C', 'CPP', 'Python')

print(mytuple[:3]) returns ('C', 'CPP', 'Python')

print(mytuple[1:]) returns ('CPP', 'Python', 'Java', 'Microsoft.NET', 'Java')

print(mytuple[:])  returns ('C', 'CPP', 'Python', 'Java', 'Microsoft.NET', 'Java')

print(mytuple[:-3]) returns ('C', 'CPP', 'Python')

print(mytuple[-3:]) returns ('Java', 'Microsoft.NET', 'Java')

print(mytuple[::-3]) returns ('Java', 'Python')

print(mytuple[::3]) returns ('C', 'Java')

Tuple packing/unpacking

tuple1 = ("Python", "2000", "33.4") #assigning values to the tuple

(lang, year, version) = tuple1 #here unpacking the tuple and assigning the values  to another tuple

lang = python  , year = 2000 , version = 33.4

mytuple = ("280","250","500")

min():  return the minimum element from the tuple

print(min(mytuple)) returns 250

max(): return max element from the list

print(max(mytuple)) returns 500

del: delete element from the list

Other operations in Tuples

mytuple= mytuple + (305,406,710)

print(mytuple) returns ('280', '250', '500', 305, 406, 710)

print(mytuple*2)  returns ('280', '250', '500', 305, 406, 710, '280', '250', '500', 305, 406, 710)

print("280" in mytuple) returns True

print("280" not in mytuple)  returns false


-Dictionary is a datatype used to store multiple values in one variable

-Dictionary storing the in the from of Key-Value pair

-Dictionary is mutable you can add , delete and change the elements

-DictiDictionary nary not allowing the duplicate keys 

-Form 3.7 onwords dictionaries are ordered

-Dictionary write in curly braces 


mydict = {

  "lang": "Python",

  "version": "3.7",

  "year": 2018,





output : returns the  "Python"; extracting a value for a specified key in the dictionary

mydict["version"] = "3.8"

output : returns the  "3.8"; modifying the a value for a specified key in the dictionary

mydict["type"] = "opensource"

output : returns  "opensource" , adds the new Item to the  dictionary

del mydict["type"]

output : delete "type" key-value pair from the dictionary 

"version" in mydict 

output : returns True if specified key present in dictionary 

"version" not in mydict

output returns False if specified key present in dictionary 

Functions/Methods with Dictionary 

len() return no of values from the dictionary .

output: returns 5  

key() : return list of keys from the dictionary 

output:  returns dict_keys(['lang', 'version', 'year', 'position', 'type']) 

values() return list of values from the dictionary 

output: returns dict_values(['Python', '3.7', 2018, '1', 'opensource'])

items() :return list of keys-values in from of tuple from the dictionary 

output: returns dict_items([('lang', 'Python'), ('version', '3.7'), ('year', 2018), ('position', '1'), ('type', 'opensource')]) list of key-values from the dictionary s a tuple 

Conversions between datatype

str(): used to converting to a string

int():used to converting to an integer

float():used to converting to a float

list(): used to converting to a list

tuple() : used to converting to a tuple

set() :used to converting to a set

bin() : used to converting to a binary representation

hex() : used to converting to a hexadecimal representation


def myfunction(x, y):  #defining function with two parameters 

    sum = x + y

    return sum #stop the program execution and returning result 

myfunction(2,3) #calling a function and passing two positional arguments

myfunction(x=2,y=3) #calling a function and passing two keyword arguments

myfunction(2,y=3) #calling a function and passing two mixed arguments 

myfunction(2,*args) #args is a tuple

File operations in Python:


"r" : Read the data from the file, If file not found in specified path throwing an error

"a": append data to existing file, If file not found in specified path create the file

"w": write data to the file, If file not found in specified path create the file

"w+": both writing and reading at the same time

"x": Create the specified file, if file exist in specified path throwing an error

"b": Binary mode data purpose 

"t" :  Default text mode purpose 

File operations

open() : used to open the file 

read(): return whole file content in the form of string 

seek(): return cursor to the specified position in the file.

readline()returns the file content one line at a time, each time you use the method

readlines() :returns the file content in the form of list

writelines(): this method takes a sequence of strings as an argument and writes those strings to the file

tell( ) :  returning the cursor position in file 

close() :Used to close the file 

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