Electronics and Communication interview quesitions

Electronics and Communication interview quesitions and answers

What is repeater?

It is an electronic device, it receive a signal and send it at a higher level. So that signal cover longer  

What is Flip Flop?

It is a binary storage device , it is storing binary bit either 0 or 1.

It is used to change the operation of the circuit.

What is Diode?

It is an electronic device.

It is allowing current to transmit through it.

Diode operations:

If current flow is permitted->the diode is forward biased.

If current flow is prohibited->the diode is reverse biased

What is an accumulater?

-It is  an 8 bit register that is part of ALU.

-as said it is 8 bit , it's storing 8 bit data and perform arithmetic and logical operations. The result of operation is stored in accumulater.

What is meant by aliasing?

When high frequency interferes with low frequency and appears as low then this situation is called aliasing.

What is entropy?

It is average information per message.

Entropy=Total information/no of messages.

What is Huffman coding all about?

It is one of the best method  compressing the data without losing information.

What are the types of analog modulation?

4 types  modulation

Amplitude modulatiin

Angle modulation

Frequency modulation

Phase modulation

What is full duplex , half duplex communication?

If communication is there in between sunder receiver , sneder send signal reciver send an acknowledgement is known as full duplex

If only communication only oneway is known as half duplex

What is stack pointer?

Stack pointer contains the address of the last element in the stack. In stack items are stored LIFO manner(LastInFirstOut).

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