ASP.NET Core fundamentals

1)What is .NETCore?

.NETCore framework released by Microsoft in June2016.
It is web framework.
As it is new framework , all the libraries has been re written to support all web platforms.

2)What is difference between .NETCore framework and .NET framework?

If we take ASP.Net web forms and MVC  all built on top of System.web namespace and this namespace depends on .Net Framework and IIS so that using .NET Framework developing a windows specific applications.

To avoid above dependencies and support cross platform development and deployment like windows , Linux and Mac OS etc we using ASP.NETCore.

Using .NETCore, Once your application compiled to IL code , you can run that IL code any platform.

.NETCore supporting  multi platforms  You can opt cheaper Linux hosting and use Docker hosting.

3)What is .NETStandard in VisualStudio?

.NET Standard allowing .Net developer to develop the libraries which supporting both .NetFramework and .NetCore. 

4)What is opensource development?

Able to see how bugs are  how bugs are addressed in source code.

5)What is VisualStudio Code editor ?

It is light weight editor.
This also providing intellisense and debugging to C#.Net and ASP.NETCore.

6)What is POST-REDIRECT-GET pattern?

Most of the application has form fill functionality , there user fill the form submit the details then will get success message this normal procedure.

Sometimes user fill all the details and submitted form to server, If server side processing take lots of time  so that user assumes something wrong sever side, again refresh the browser and filled all the details submitted the from again.  To avoid this kind of situations we use this pattern.

"It is web development pattren, used to avoid multiple submission of a same form again and again"

In the above situation once user submitted the form to server,  request redirected to another URL. So that if user refresh the browser  will get another page with submission status.
public ActionResult GetDetails(int rno)
If (ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("Success")
return View(model)
7)What is the use of HttpGet , HttpPost and HttpDelete attributes in ASP.NETCore?

-Using this attributes able to identify action method purpose but also this attributes contain route attribute behavior themselves.
-Can define route route also with this attributes.

public ActionResult GetDetails(int rno)


8)What is content negotiation?

It is the process of client saying what kind of data accepted with Accept header based this server picks good one to handle this request.

9)What is an API model in WebAPI?

The data returned by WebAPI action is called API model. 

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